Life.Church have heaps of resources for kids and adults that they make freely available. What I’ve seen has been Biblically accurate and theologically sound, with a focus on equipping people for living like Jesus and loving, sharing and serving Him.

The Liffe.Church kids’ resources are engaging and well-presented. My older girls (4 and 6) love the Bible App for Kids and Bible Adventure videos and music. It’s been a joy to see how these resources complement the endeavours my husband & I are making in, partnership with our kids’ ministry leaders, in fostering the girls' bible knowledge and hearts of worship.

The Life.Church Easter Colouring Book looks great for kids approximately 7-11yo. It explains why we have 4 gospels and why they each record events slightly differently, gives a brief overview of what each one teaches about Easter, and includes 3 short ‘devotionals’ (Bible reference and review questions), colouring pages and space for kids to have a go at telling the story of Easter in their own words.

 I’m excited to use this with my girls in the week ahead as I’ve so far found it difficult to find kids’ devotionals that encourage families to go to the actual Bible (rather than kids’ Bible ‘storybooks’). It’s perhaps a bit wordy for our 4yo daughter but I think it will still be good to have a go and see where we end up – perhaps with an Easter egg or two if we can all sit still and engage with minds and hearts!

Trueway Kids Easter Resources

I’m so thankful for our friends at Trueway Kids. They were generous with their resources when we were sharing Little Buds lessons/craft online during Covid, and formed the basis for our family “Kids’ Church at home” when I was largely housebound on medical advice while pregnant in 2022. Now we continue to dip in and out of their curriculum to support our family Bible times.

Trueway Kids too have been Biblically and theologically sound and engaging. They include lesson/discussion notes, printable Bible story booklets, hands-on activities, printable crafts, links to relevant songs, colouring pages, and educational worksheets for those who use them as a part of homeschooling (or educating kids in refugee camps/war zones etc).

Jon, Dani and Timothy (the family who run Trueway Kids) are mission-minded, sharing their work for free, including as translations into over 30 languages, and Timothy (7) has recently begun his own podcast to encourage fellow kids to grow in Jesus.

Trueway Kids have put together a bunch of Easter resources and devotionals that I also plan to explore with our girls – probably only a few this week and then more next year as we’ll be busy with the Life.Church booklet this time around.

Happy Easter! Praying that we and our kids all grow in our knowledge of Jesus and our love for Him as we reflect on the cross this coming week.

- Ali, GSam mum of 3

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